These Website Terms and Conditions included on this website will govern your use of this website. These Terms will fully apply to and affect your use of this Website.
By using this website, you agree to accept all the terms and conditions written here. You must not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions.


  1. Driver: Minimum age of 23 years.
  2. Driving license: A valid diploma issued at least 1 year before is required. Non-EU citizens are required to have an international diploma, along with the presentation of a regular diploma and a passport.
  3. Fines: Fines for administrative offenses are charged to the tenant.
  4. Payment method: The renter is required to provide a credit card to guarantee the rental even if the payment is made in cash if requested by theACE TRANSFER representative. The rent is prepaid.
  5. Cancellations must be made at least FOURTY EIGHT (48) hours prior to the scheduled start of rental of the vehicle according to the deposit (30% of the total amount), otherwise the deposit will not be refunded.
  6. Deliveries – Out-of-hours receipts: € 20 charge
  7. Deliveries – Off-site pick-ups: Deliveries and pick-ups are on demand. The charge for city and airport charges is zero. For deliveries outside the city the cost is 15 € + VAT plus 1.oo € + VAT per km.
  8. Navigation system (GPS): Gps charge is 5 € / day upon request and availability with a maximum charge of 30 € / rent.
  9. Child seat: The charge for a child seat is set at 5 € / day Upon request and availability at a maximum charge of 30 € / rent.
  10. Fuels: The lessee must return the car with the same amount of fuel that has received it. If the car with less gasoline is received from the starting gas, the customer will pay for the fuel difference.
  11. For every rent-day, the rates include a 150 km / day limit. If the lessee wants free kilometers, they can choose the free mileage package at the applicable price list or the additional mileage will be charged when returning the vehicle at a charge of 0.10 € + tax per kilometer.
  12. Time extension: The ACE TRANSFER representative must be notified at least 24 hours in advance of the rental extension.
  13. Insurance of ACE TRANSFER, COVERS: Body damage of third parties per victim, material damage to third parties in case of accident. Material damage from uninsured vehicle, road assistance, fire safety. NOT COVERING: Full or partial theft of the car, theft of personal belongings on or in the ACE TRANSFER vehicle, death or bodily injury of the ACE TRANSFER vehicle driver, the tenant is liable up to the total commercial value of the car at the time of the accident or theft, lights and mirrors, the bottom of the car.
  14. Loss or destruction of a key. In case of loss or destruction of a key during the rental period, the tenant will have to pay the amount of 80 € + VAT.
  15. NO SHOW: If the tenant does not pick up the car at the agreed time, ACE TRANSFER will cancel the reservation after 4 hours.
  16. Car interior: If the vehicle is returned with stains requiring biological cleaning (eg coat, sand, etc. on the seats or on the floor, in the trunk, etc.), the renter will be charged the amount of 80 € + VAT
  17. Delivery and receipt of the car. The Car was delivered today to the Lessee in the state referred to in the relevant section of the front page of the present, the Carrier carefully checked the Car, tested it, found it in its absolute desirability and received it unreservedly. The signing of this document is also proof of the delivery of the Car to the Tenant and its receipt by him. Upon expiry of the term of this lease the Lessee is obliged to return and deliver to the Lessor the Car.
  18. Personal Data: The Lessee agrees to the detailed registration of his or her personal data on a computer. It is expressly agreed that the Lessor has the right to use such information when the Lessee makes untrue statements or violates the terms of this agreement during the term of the lease and transmits it to the authorities of the country if there are suspicions of criminal or other offense.
  19. In all cases the ownership of the cars is owned by ACE TRANSFER and it is expressly forbidden to transport them outside the Greek Borders and their loading on board without the written consent of ACE TRANSFER. Any dispute arising out of the lease is within the jurisdiction of the Kalamata courts.

Taxes: Rental rates are subject to 24% VAT.